Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday Party Time

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Coiled Cocktails
I have these entirely amazing handmade cocktail rings that people are always asking me about and I think it's due time that I afford you all the opportunity to grab one... or three for yourselves. TRUST and believe that one of these rings would make any true jewelry enthusiast love you forever. Great statement piece! My brazen pursuit of things unique and quirky led me to Ms. Brenda, the designer behind http://www.gemzandjewlz.com/! Her rings are all handmade and are definite conversation pieces that can easily double as weapons considering the girth of the more daring pieces. Do yourself the service of taking a look at her site and buying a few pieces. Let her know that Michela sent you! Yes, I am trying to get that referral discount because I am long overdue for a new bauble!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Project Runway

Something to See
The Walters Art Museum is one of few museums in the world that can provide an array of exquisite jewelry from over 5,000 years of world history and from a vast spectrum of cultures. This exhibition of more than 200 highlights from the Walters’ collection-- many of them never displayed before-- presents the evolution of techniques and materials throughout the ages, and demonstrates the importance of jewelry as an expression of creativity, and often wealth and position. A special focus will be placed on finger rings throughout history, with important examples on loan from the distinguished collection of the New York gemologist Benjamin Zucker.
Admission to Bedazzled will be:
Adults: $8Seniors: $6College Students: #4Age 17 & under: free
I'm hopefully going to see it at some point this month..well, I don't have too much of a choice either. Definitely a must see!

Back Then They Didn't Want Me
Him: Ohhh you don't remember me.
Me: Ummm...no. Should I?
Him: Yeah I'm Jay's cousin.
Me: Ohhh okay! Nice seeing you. *Exits stage left*
Why the reason for my abrupt departure? This Jay character is my best friend's bf who has rubbed me the wrong way, to put it nicely. Anyone associated with him in anyway other than throttling or incarcerating him is no person of interest to me. And don't judge me for talking about my buddy's bun; He's a jerk and I'll shout it from the mountaintops. Anyway, a few days later my friend texts me saying that Jay's cousin says I blew him off. Huh??? Apparently this cousin, who I didn't actually remember in the slightest, was the same one I had met a year or so before in Jay's basement. At that time, he only said hello and left me to my own devices while my buddy and her bun did things buns do. This people, is why I was quite amused to hear that he felt slighted by our short convo. What is so different now that I'm a hot commodity and wasn't before? Besides the additional 20Lbs that made my rump just a little plumper, I can only imagine my ensemble being the reason behind the change of hearts.
It's in my personal opinion that style is progressive and evolves over the years to become more refined and well-tuned to reflect who we are. When style reaches the point where it's wholly reflective of who you are, a certain relaxed confidence is created. You don't worry about who likes or dislikes it, if it's trendy or outdated, it just matters that you feel good about it. This concept is what our SLB creed is all about; freedom through fashion! Wear what you like and liberate yourself from trends and expectations.
That night I had actually been trying to figure out what to wear and had decided to nix the brown cable knit sweater dress I had planned on wearing because I looked bulk; all that material was a bit much for my short but ample frame. I quickly came up with a basic all black outfit (you can't go wrong there) and spiced it up with great accessories. Check me out!! (I just realized I don't have a full shot. Menh...you get the idea...I'll upload another later).
Shirt/Dress: Forever 21
Hat : Forever 21
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Steve Madden Luxe
Vegan Leather Jacket : Up Against the Wall
Jewelry: SLB Vintage
*Due to an overwhelming backlash over the use of the real name of the individuals included in this blog...real names are no longer being used.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Seriously...I'm SOOO Over Back Fat
In all seriousness I think that back fat might be one of the worst afflictions associated with being a woman of the plumper variety!!! I realized just how through I was with back fat when I was getting dressed for work the other day. It was my first day of training for my P/T job at the Prescriptives counter and I had put together a nice little all black ensemble for the day....black satin volume skirt and a short-sleeved eigthies throwback top...so I thought...hmmm...I'll throw on a wide patent black to set if off. I REALLY thought I was doing it people...I really did! Until .... while turning in the mirror, I noticed a glob of my back hanging over the belt. YUCK!
Now...most women have a variety of ways to hide some undesirable areas...but how does one effectively hide back fat? I tried sticking it under the belt but, let me tell you...back fat is unruly and will not work with you! It was all a cruel joke really because just that past weekend my partner in crime and I were entertaining ourselves in a not so pleasant party by, in part, poking fun at someone's wrongly exposed back fat. To think...not three days later...I would be taking jabs at my own back fat; not for laughs...but only in an effort to hide it. There was a point in my life where I didn't have back fat but thanks to an unwavering carbohydrate addiction and a propensity to consume beyond reason...I'm back to fight another battle towards a back fatless existence!!!
Ambiguous Jewelry Art
When it come to fashion...I have absolutely no shame! I am not beyond, and I'm actually quite prone to, approaching complete strangers on the street inquiring about where I might be able to lay my grubby little hands on whatever item has my interests peeked. THAT is how I was introduced to the sheer AMAZINGNESS (yes, amazingness) that is Ambiguous Art Jewelry! I'm walking towards an earring vendor during the CASRAM finale in Silver Spring when I happen upon a woman with the bomb diggity earrings! (And yes, I did say bomb diggity...that's how excited I was!) I immediately walk towards her (making sure not to run because I've found this alarms people) ask her for the info and she gives it up in an instant in the form of a flyer!!! Now this is somewhat surprising because usually fashion addicts will BLATANTLY lie about not remembering where they got something fabulous in an effort to curb the amount of people who wear it! Thank GOODNESS this woman didn't go that route...it could have turned ugly. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture..and I can't borrow one from the website...so make sure you check out the site...Infinity Meets DreamCatcher (or Lollipop Metal Work Earrings as I like to call them) are my favorite...along with the Map of Africa ring!!
Created by Karen Jackson aka Kaya, this jewelry line takes the concept of jewelry beyond the boundaries set by European and American ideas and incorporates clearly African influences into to her uber unique creations. Think... Masai warrior, meets futuristic Rastafarian with a little Jimmy Hendrix thrown in there somewhere! This jewelry is not for the meek! Kaya has taken jewelry back to the REAL idea of adornments, featuring beaded head pieces, earrings long enough to rest on your breasts, leather chokers and some of the most exciting metal work I've seen in a long time!!
And guess what? She's having a SALE!! But...there's a catch...it's in New York and it's tomorrow..yes, I'm upset about that too...but if you can get there...it's apparently worth it and here's the flyer.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
If I Was a Rich Girl )inspired in part by the Bomz!)
Betsey Johnson...or Bets..as I would affectionately call her...would design specifically for me...
And I would shop so much that I would probably have enough clothing that I wouldn't be able to repeat outfits....
Sadly, I'm not rich. I'm not necessarily poor either. Well, in this economy I'm steadily moving towards working poor but, I'm not eating Vienna Sausages and Ramen so I'm doing better than most! Even doing better than most though, I'm still not balling out of control and neither are most of my friends, and acquaintances (at least not that I know of). None of us are celebrities, diplomats, nor heirs or heiresses but, it is a RARE occasion to catch anyone in the same outfit twice! Even though I'm guilty of it myself I still don't understand it! What's really going to happen if someone sees you in the same dress that you wore to some random ass Happy Hour? Who cares if you have pics on facebook wearing that shirt on two separate occasions? I would say on average, if I like a top I'm going to wear it at least 10-15 times before I dispose of it. I don't think this says any less about my fashion sense or my ability to find other cute clothes; maybe I just like the top a lot!
By all means, most people can regularly buy something new and not break their pockets and that's great! However, I don't see the shame in wearing something a few times. Is that even remotely sensical to feel embarrassed or not at the top of your game because you've been spotted in the same thing more than once?
I mean.... if you're really stylish then your fits should be so fly that you owe it to the public to wear it a few more times to make sure that an acceptable amount of people see it and are encouraged to step their game up because you're doing IT! And, you can wear the same blue skirt 4 different times 5 different ways and still not be shook if all the area NewNew's try to keep up with the Jones'. If you're really stylish, and that's what really counts....you really shouldn't give a damn anyway cause anybody that's paying that much attention to what you're wearing is regularly thinking about you...and who doesn't like secret admirers?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Moment Of Squealing For "daughter of Leif"
I just love that aesthetic of this new line! I was perusing my local Nordstorm when I spotted this melange sweater and I literally squealed with delight at the sight of something so adorable! The hand painted buttons alone had me at hello.